Poem (click here)
The following USAAF Airmen
lost their lives in the Pacific theatre during WWll while serving under the
317th Troop Carrier Group.
Maj. Joseph C. Ford,
Lt. Arthur W. Betts, Lt. Eugene D. Bleiler, Lt. Robert H. Cameron, Lt. Stanley D. Campbell, Lt. Clyde
J. Chewning, Lt. Henry C. Ellis, Lt. Leonard R. Foster, Lt. Robert J. Kiebler,
Lt. Melvin L. Kinney, Lt. William R. Kinzie, Lt. Robert L. Kirkman, Lt. Frank
E. Koski, Lt. Arthur H. Maki, Lt. Franklin P. Miller, Lt. David W. St. Jean, Lt. Leonard E. Walker,
F/O Robert P. Hutson, S/Sgt. Deloren T. Allen, S/Sgt. Ben A. Korzinski, S/Sgt.
Olen R. Porter, S/Sgt. Lawrence E. Turille, S/Sgt. Frank A. Wise, Sgt. Michael
E. Anderchak, Sgt. John J. Buderek, Sgt. Keith K. Keown, Sgt. Erwin C. Kieke
Jr., Cpl. Carlos I. Aguirre, Cpl. Thomas Cammincotta, Cpl. George E. Cunningham,
Cpl. Carl A. Drain, Cpl. J. H. Farrar, Cpl. Everett A. Forslin, Cpl.
Dewey Goldsmith, Cpl. Charles I. Griffin, Cpl. Sidney Israel, Cpl. Jerome R.
Kelley, Cpl. Patsy D. Roviello, Cpl. Harry N. Smith, Pfc. John A. Bitson, PFC.
Ashley T. Johnson
following Airmen lost their lives in support of the Berlin Airlift when their
C-54 crashed out of Celle RAF Station, Germany on July 12, 1949. They were assigned
to the 40th TCS of the 317th Troop Carrier Wing.
C. Von Luehrte, Donald J. Leemon, Herbert F. Heinig
The following Airmen
perished in the crash of their C-119C (50-127) on 10 Feb 1953 while attempting
a GCA landing in a snow squall at Bitberg AB, Germany. They were assigned to
the 39th TCS of the 317th Troop Carrier Wing at Rhein Main AB , Germany.
D. Rassi, William J. Patton, James A. Latta Jr.
B. Weibel Jr., Gerald D. Anderson
N. Richards
A former 40th
TCS pilot at Rein-Main and Neubiberg was killed
the crash of a C-119F just after take off from Sewart AFB, TN.
crash took place shortly after his return from Germany and assignment to the
316th TCW in 1954.
N. Fulton
former 40th TCS pilot was killed in the crash of a 464th TCW C-119G when
an engine failed on take off from Pope AFB, NC in
D. Forguson a former 40th TCS pilot , Jay B. Border a former 39th
TCS pilot
These airmen were
killed in the crash of a 316th TCW C-119F during a flight
through a thunderstorm in Georgia in 1954
The following
Airmen died in the midair collision of C-130A (56-0526) with a French fighter
over France on Sept. 19, 1958.
Howard Grasher,
Elmer Fawcett, Charles Tillou,
Robert W. Hancock, Frank M. Braun, David McGrath
The following 15 crewmen died
in the crash of an Evreux C-130A (55-0020) on March 8, 1962 in Alencon, France
while on a training mission:
Cecil Williams,
Robert L. Conway, Edward J. Vianco, William J. Wilson
Gayle J. O'Grady, James S. Douglass, Stanley C. Hardin, Harold E. Kazee,
Huey Green, Theodore Shedelbower, Stanley E. Royster, Vincent Stantucci,
Alfred J. Knight, James Waples, Lee Taylor
here for news report
following 13 Airmen died in the crash of a C-130A (56-0546)
while on a mission in Africa on May 17, 1962:
Sabol, John W. Stuart, Jr., Douglass G. White, Frank J. Leonard, Thomas
P. Revell, Fred D. Fisher,
Jack Hake, Ervin M. Miller,
L. Roy Laslow,
Richard E. Boyd, Thomas J. Neal, James O. Phillips
D. Jackson (TDY from 463rd CAMS, Sewart AFB, TN)
following 317TAW Airmen were killed when their Lockbourne based C-130A (56-0515)
crashed during an assault take-off from Bitburg, Germany on 12 Dec. 1965
R. Pecchia, Paul J. Pedranti, Frank A. Gallina, Charles W. McJunkins, Victor
Henry M. Drew served with the 317th at
Evreux Air Base France. He was killed later while still serving in the Air Force
when the C-130E (64-0536) he was a passenger on crashed in to a mountain after
take off.
Taipei, Taiwan Oct. 2, 1970
following 317TAW Airmen were killed when their Pope AFB based C-130E (68-10936)
crashed near Charleston SC after a lightning strike ignited fuel vapors in
the main fuel tank on Nov. 30, 1978
P. Eskew, Mark D. Greer, Daniel K. Morris, Robert H. Canton, Burnie C. Finch
ll, Robert H. Van Winkle
following 40TAS Airmen perished in the crash of C-130E ( 68-10945) . The aircraft
was assigned
to the 317TAW at Pope AFB and crashed during a low altitude extraction (LAPES)
at Ft. Bragg, NC on 1 July 1987:
Gary C. Bardo
Albert G. Dunse
John B. Keiser III
Timothy J. Matar
following Airmen perished in the crash of C-130E (64-0501). The aircraft
was assigned to the 317TAW at Pope AFB and crashed in Blewett Falls Lake, NC
on 28 April 1992 while conducting Special Operations Low Level (SOLL) training:
Gabriel Magrane,
Thomas E. Rowe, Michael E. Jones, John G. Urbansky, Gregg F. Johnston,
Stephen F. Sablone, Michael S. Carpenter, Shelton M. Clark
Mark W. Reynolds
(Australian Exchange Officer)
The following Airmen
lost their life while serving in Vietnam:
Terry Rehm,39th TCS, Flight Engineer killed in the crash of a C-130B that struck a mountain in Hue Phu Bai on 8 Oct 1967
Sam Deichelmann shot
down over Bien Hoa, South Vietnam 06 September 1968 MIA
Robert (Bob) Ireland shot down over Ho Chi Minh Trail 21 April 1970, listed
MIA, Remains found 11 Sept 1978
(Bob was a former flight engineer with 41st TCS. He was shot down in a AC130A
gunship 54-1625.)
Arthur Grasser died in helicopter crash Gia Dinh, South Vietnam 6 Aug 1969
Ralph J. Lund shot down over Bao Loc South Vietnam 6 Sept 1968
Al Fellows shot down over Ho Chi Minh Trail flying an O-1as, 1968
Tom Mitchell shot down during Blind Bat Mission near Xepon (Tchepone), Laos,
Maj. William L. Brooks shot down over Ho Chi Minh Trail flying an AC-130 Gunship 22 April 1970

William A. Jones
III a former 40th TCS pilot was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic action
in Vietnam.
information regarding his award visit:
here for details.
He was killed in the crash of a private plane in 1969.
He was assigned to Andrews AFB at the time of his death.
Waldman, Col.USAF,Ret . Died Jan. 4, 2006 at age
86, his burial was at Arlington National Cemetery. He was a World War
Two C-47 pilot and the first Commander of the 41st Troop Carrier Squadron.
He took command of the 41st at age 23 when it was first formed in Feb. of
1942 at Duncan Field, TX.. and continued as Squadron Commander when the 41st
was sent to New Guinea in Jan. 1943. Promoted to Major in Sept. 1943 he was
assigned to 317th Troop Carrier Group Headquarters. He served 30 years in
the Air Force, a number of them were spent at the Pentagon in the Office of
the Secretary of Defense.
Tech. Sgt. Joey D. Link, 29, of the 39th Airlift Squadron, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas
TSgt. Link died of natural causes at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany on Aug. 5, 2007
The C-130 Hercules flight engineer was assigned to the 39th Airlift Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base, Abilene, Texas
He was deployed to the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing based at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, at the time of his death.
Veterans Group Officers
Boleck - 2 March 2000
Headed search committee, served as reunion chairman.
From it's earliest beginnings George helped mold and shape
the 317th VG.
Nancy Frazier- March 3, 2019
wife of 317th veteran Bob Frazier
Nancy had served on our search committee.
During the early day's of the 317th Veterans Group
she was instrumental in locating many of our members
Donna Register - December 26, 2018
wife of 317th Veteran Jimmie Register
Donna served as our newsletter publisher for many years.
19, 1937- Oct.8, 2005 Age 68
Seattle, WA -Reunion Chairman
Don's wife "V" Satterthwaite passed away in 2012
Both were loyal members of the 317thVG, and will be missed by all.
Jean Zabukovec
March 6, 2012
Renowned sculpturer who created the Veterans Memorial at Evreux Air Base
Eliane Montouchet
March 20, 2019
Eliane Montouchet worked at the JAG office at Evreux Air Base from the day it opened until the day it closed.
She was actively involved at every Evreux reunion.
The following are 317th veterans who have passed away since
separation from the Air Force
Entries for 2025 are in bold type
James H. Aderhold
Robert E. Ainslie
Gene Allen
Keith R. Allen
Chuck Allison
Roy L. Allmon
Thomas J. Amendola
James W. Anderson
Mike Anderson
John D. Anthony,Jr
Joseph A. Arpin
Clarence Aruska
Bennie E. Atchison
Steve A. Aubrey
Normand R. Audette
Clint A. Ayers
Dennis E. Aylward
Andrew E. Bacha
Farris O. Bailey
Larry R. Baker
Peter “Pete” G. Bambalis
Wilbur E. Barber
John D.E. Barnett
Hulien G. Barnhill
Ronald Barr
Jack Barrett
Leo Bates
Duane Batista
Theodore C. Bauries
Roland R. Bearden
James L. Beazly
Larry L. Beber
Buford B. Belgard
Leo Belton
Kenneth R.
Chester E. Bennett
Dennis Benorden
Mirl Ray Bendt
Keith Biddix
Clifford A. Biggers
Billie Bird
John W. Bishop
Bernard Blackburn
Robert T. Blanks
Miles V. Blansette
Norm Blaskowski
Lawrence H. Bledsoe
Jim Blessing
Kelvin W. Boddy
Robert O. Boeldt
Robert D. Bollacker Robert Borum
Harold L. Bouge
Henri L. Bowan
Ralph Boyer
Billie B. Boyd, Jr.
Thomas Bradich, Jr
Dean Bradly
David G. Briggs
James R. Brinegar
Buck Brinson
Worthey O. Brisco
Dennis W. Brown
Omer A. Brown
Seymour Brown
Robert W. Browne
Don Browning
Harold W. Brueggemeyer
Hercules C. Bryant
Gene Buford
Forrest E. Burke, Jr.
Louis Burkhead
Hubert C. Burks
John F. Burns
Kenneth Burdett
James Busby
George Byras
David G. Camp
Ralph W. Carboneau
John R. “Jack” Carlson
Paul J.Carr
William R. Case
Jack Cassedy
Clarence R. Casto
Larry Chandler
Kenneth A. Chatfield
Bill Chisholm
Fred W. Chubbuck
Odell Clampitt
Calvin F. Clark
James W.
Clark, Jr.
Robert A. Clayborn
Earl F. Clinton
Dale Cochenour
Richard Cole
James B. Collier
Dave R. Collins
Jerry R. Collins
Nelson Colyer
Michael Comarnisky
John Condron
Raymond J. Cone
John M. Connor
Alvin G. Conrow
Robert W. Cook
John R. Cooper
Romeo "Connie" Costantine
Joe I. Cottle
James W. Coulter
Max R. Courington
Ronald Couture
George M. Cowan
Charles F. Cowell,Jr.
Edwin C. Crawford
Douglas Creasey
Robert P. Crow
Don Crowley
Doyle R. Cruse
Russell Curtis
William Dager
William S. Dando
David W. Davenport
Forrest Lee Davis
Ronald C. Dawson
Norman F. Day
B. Don Dean
George H. Dean
George S. DeJohn
Tom Dempsey
Harry S. Dennis, Jr.
Louis Diamond
Travis A. Dixon
Carl W. Dolvin
Paul W. Doobe
Clifford F. Duncan
Robert M. Dunphy
James (Stump) Dunkelman
William Durlak
Warner Dutro
James Q. Eddy
Thomas J. Elliott
Ellwood W. Ellis
Milton L. Engebretson
Richard Erickson
Art W. Evans, Jr.
Sidney T. Evans
Adam Fachet
James R. Fairbanks
Thurston A. Faris
Luke L. Farmer
Alexander H. Fassbender
Bob Fender
James A. Ferguson
Claude Ferrand
Charles W. Finch
Lawrence Fisackerly
Robert Flewelling
Leonard Gene Foster
William T. Fotheringham
W. Erskine Fraser
Jim Frazier
Rush D. French
Howell D. Fulcher
Maurice "Ike" L. Fuller
Robert Fullman
Oscar Gainey
Harry B. Gardner
John Gardner
Ludwig H. George
Thomas F. George
Richard J. Geriets
Charles E. Germano
Jimmy T. Gilbert
Clarence A. Giles|
John A. Glaros
Charles Glynn
Elmer P. Goetz
Nathan K. Goldsmith
Ralph E. Gorzynski
Clyde C. Gowdy
Edward H. Graalfs
Phil Greenwood
Jesse E. Groover
Paul J. Gulotta
James H. Gunn Jr
Joseph G. Gusky
George A. Gustafson
Herbert G. Haas, Sr
Valentine H. Habel
Kenneth A. Hackett
Carle E. Hadley
Jacques Hahn
Eugene J. Halbeisen
Ernest H. Hamilton
Philip W. Handley
Leo A. Hankins
Donald J. Hanley
William Happoldt
Robert "Chuck" Hauser
Nelson E. Havel
O. Hayes
Lynn M. Hazen
Gordon M. Heath
George E. Heckathorn
Stanley A. Heenan
Arthur Hempen
Raymond A. Hengst
William Hepworth
Delton W. Hill
Jack W. Hill
James Hill
Henry Huckabee
David L. Hoffland
Jack Holdridge
Lester J. Honstetter
James W. Hood
Lonnie C. Hood Jr.
Jerry Hoppman
Jack D. Hoover
Alvin L Howard
Dallas Howell
Clyde W. Huff
Bob Hughes
Dorman A. Hughes
Fred C. Hulsey
John D. Hynes
Charles C. Irions
Donald R. Irving
Peter S. Irving
Daniel B. Janasov
Charles F. Johnson
Kent M. Johnson
Galian R."Bob"Jones
Gerald Jurkowski
Chester Kanach
William L. Katnik
Nickolas Katsarelis
Gerald M. Kearse Jr.
Mike Keil
George K. Kelai
Gary G. Kelly
Tommy J. Kelso
Sterling C. Kendall
Gary Kennard
Clifford L. Ketchum
Gary L. Kinkel|
George W. Kinney
Donald R. Kirkendorfer
George J. Kisic
Alvin J. Kissinger
William B. Kittle
Frank Kormos
Richard G. Korthals
Robert A. Kramer
Lauren D. Krinkie
Vincent J. Krobath
Joseph Krolik
Henry Kurth
George B. Kutche
Earl Laird, Jr.
Harry C.Landis
A. Lane, Jr.
Walter G. Lang
Dean N. Lanier
Robert La Penta
Jack Larmoyeux
Herb Larson
Maynard Larson
Jerry A. Lawson
Gerald Layne
Frank R. Leanza
Walter E. Ledwith
Glenn A. Lee
George Lerner
Edward A. Lessick
Ray E. Lewis
Walter Lieblein
Edgar W. Lindley
Richard E. Linn
James D.
Ellery L. Litz
Richard P. Loach
Roger Lochry
John B. Longenhagen
Olen H. Loux
Donald R. Lowe
Horst Lucci
Donald L. Lundy
Casper Lunova
Albert P. Lupshevicz
George Lyman
Tierce"Ted"R. Machen
Stanley J. Mack
Jack S. MacVittie
Bill Madgwick
James F. Mahew
Eugene Malinowski
Evard S. Malone
Kenneth Manross
Anthony W. Marchowsky
Vincent J. Marold
Harley B. Marriott
Robert L. Marshall
Charlie Martin
Elmer Martin
Murrell L. Martin
Sidney A. Martin,Jr.
Donald W. Martinson
James P. Martinson
Gerald J. Matarazzo
Donald A. Mathis
Robert L. Mauk
Jerry McAuliffe
Harry J. McBain Jr.
Paul R. McCain
Wilbur H. McCartha
William W. McCarty
Bob McConnell
Leo McConnon
Daniel McClure
Clyde A. McCray
Clarance E. McCrea
Richard T. McDowell
Eldon E. McElroy
Robert D. McKay
Richard McKnight
Billy A. "Mac" McLeod
F. E. "Mac" McNally
James L. McReynolds
James K. McWhorter
George E. Meade
Boyd B. Meixell
Al Miller
Douglas R. Miller
Pete Miller
Edward Miller
John R. Miller
Ted Miller
Terry L.Miller
Donald Menges
Earl Mercer
Ed Merck
Edward A. Merritt
Coburn C. Metcalf
Frank S. Monk
Garry Montague
*Marianne Montgomery
Paul K. Montgomery
Michael P. Moore
John J. Moran
Martin J. Moran
Norman B. Moran
Gene Morris
Lowell "Bud" Morris, Jr.
Roy L. Morrison
Norbert Mueller
Jack Murrian
Larry J. Musselman
Bill Myers
Douglas A. Nave
John T. Nave
Charles J. Nehring
Garland Nelon
Everett R. Newkirk
Art Newman
Varnal E. Nichols
Raymond J. Nile
Robert A. Nitchkey,Sr.
Charles Novak
Victor L. Nunenkamp
Herman A. "Doc" Ogren
Jerry A. Ohlson
William R.Ohrmann
John "Okey" Oklesen
Arthur M. Olson
Hartwell O. Olsen
John N. Oman
Robert L. O'Neal
Harold H. Orvis
Chester Osterman
Hugh Overcash
Robert Padgett
Carl A. Paige
Willis R. Palmer
Robert V. Parker
Robert N. Parsons
Charles "Charlie" Partin
Paul "Patrick" Paulin
Donald P. Payson
Donald L. Payton
Art R. Peele
Eddie Pfingston
Michael F. Pelletier
Donovan W. Penrod
Anthony Perillo
Charles H. Persing
Wolfgang W. Peters
George Peterson
Thomas Petro, Jr.
Edgar (Ed) Piles
Robert N. Pinard
Fred Pilkenton
Edward Politza
Hollister Pond
Darwin R. Pool
Edward E. Pose
William T. Posey
Robert B. Pratt
Gilbert A. Priestley
Ben Proodian
Allen G. Purvis
Francis Quaranta, Jr.
F. Gerald Randa
Adam A. Reaver
William P. Reaver
Dan Reider
H. Repke
Harold E. Rickabaugh
Doyle C. Riehn
Milo G. Rigel
Wayne H. Riggins
Robert E. Rivet
Freddy W. Rivoire
Donald F. Roark
Jesse J. Robbins
James W. "Jim" Roberts Jr.
James R. "Robbie" Robertson
James H. Robinson
Orville R. Rodgers
Remigio Rodriguez
Alva R. Roe
Jack A. Rohrback
Harold D. Rollman
Malcolm C. Roscover
William B. Ruble
Bobby W. Rushing
Edmund W. Ryms
Richard W. Sallop
Nathaniel (Hank) Saunders,Jr
Richard Scarlett
Sal Scarpace
Richard H. Schmidt
Robert C. Schmidt
Luke Scholtes
Victor Sczepanski
Rudolf Seemann
Herbert P. Seitz
Everett P. Shaw, Jr.
Thomas E. Shaffmaster
Paul D. Shirley
Harry E. Shisler
Fredrick D. Shultz
Gerhard R.Schulz
Chester H. Schwerin
Jack L. Simons
Stanley D. Skalecke
Joseph Skurka
Jessie R. Smart
Jerry Smead
John "Jack" E. Smith
Roy W. Smith
John Solomanchik
Norman Sombs
Marvin C. Sorenson
R. Southward
Delmer "Del" L. Sparrowe
George R. Speros
Charlie Spicka
John E. Spooner
Harold L. Springer
Asa M. Stackhouse
Larry A. Stafford
Carl "Gene" E. Standley
Michael Stanis
William J. Stearns
Fredrick Steuer
Howard W. Stewart
Marvin R. Stewart
Roger J. Stewart
Dale H. Stinson
Jerry Stopher
Terry V. Stringfield
Richard Sutton
Richard E. Syke
Raymond F. Swaney
Robert B. Swindle
Herman L. Tabler
Jesse A. Tabor
Armand G.Tardiff
Duncan G. Taylor
Jack Tempesta
Roger Tewksbury
Wesley Thibodaux
Albert P. Thomas
Robert C. Thomas
Frederick L. Thompson
William Thomsen
Norman J. Thouvenelle
Berthold Tiedemann
James S. Todt
Art Toffey
George W. Towle
Bob Townley
Henry Townsend
Chuck Trexler
Wyndham D. Trigg
Theodore Truban
William R.Tubbs
Alan B. Tucker
Marion Tunstall Jr.
Richard Udoff
Robert Ulrich
Jim Vaigl
Charles N. Valentine
Francis R. Van Valkenburg
George H. Van Schaick
Ray Vasinda
Alphonso J. Verbout
Jack C. Voelker
Ron Volz
Harrison Waddell
Ross M. Warden
Vernon Wallace
George H. Wasgatt
T. H."Jack" Watkins
Ron Wayne
Charles West
Jack Westervelt
David J. Westphal
Edward A. Whalen
Lewis D. Whipple
James R. Whitaker
Albert L. Wick
Gerald L. Wiley
Ernest E. Wilhelm
Stephen A. Wilhite
Stanley Wilkinson, Jr.
Everett L. Williamson
Robert A. Williams
William A. Williams
Charles L. Wilson
Robert Wirtz
James Lee Winter
James E. Wolf
Floyd Douglas Wood, Sr.
Clyde W. Wooddell
John R. Wright
Ernest O. Yeske
Robert A. Yocum
James H. Young
Kenneth A. Young
Herman J. Zindler,Jr. |